Monday, June 7, 2010


We had a big weekend planned in Virginia Beach to welcome home Jeremy and to celebrate Parker's 1st Birthday..... unfortunately our plans changed because poor little Parker got the chicken pox :( My doctor recommended that I not be around the virus, nor did we want to take a chance that Ella and Emeri would get it. BOO!!
So since we had already planned to be out of town and had the dog taken care of for the weekend, we loaded up Saturday morning and went to Louisville to visit Lindsay and to take the girls to the Zoo! The Louisville Zoo is a small zoo, but had just enough exhibits to keep Ella and Emeri entertained. We saw giraffes, monkeys, elephants, tigers, gorillas, camels and a lot more! If you ask the girls what their favorite part was.... well, of course it was when the elephant did his "business" right in front of us! Gross!!

We had a fun weekend, but now we CAN'T wait till July to see Jeremy, Kenna and Parker!

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